The 6th annual Lone Star Zine Fest went down on Sunday, December 4th, 2022, at The Far Out Lounge. This year, we had over 70 exhibitors – check them all out here – and a whole bunch of generous sponsors (see below)! We had over 600 attendees and a good time was had by all!
We had a fun little surprise right before the doors open for the Fest: Uncle Staple was honored for his service to the community with a LSZF 2022 poster signed by all the organizers, and a stapler trophy. Then he cut the ribbon to open the Fest! Photos are coming soon!
HUGE SUPER THANKS to all of our sponsors!

And thanks to everyone who has chipped in on Indiegogo: James Beard, Vitorio Miliano, Sarah Samson, Travis Carr, christopher chang, Heidi Asundi, Marcelino Rodriguez Jr, luis, amanda.ronan, Gabriel Garcia, Cindy Fisher, Yvonne Weng, melissa green, j11l, vidya giri, Cameron Tepper, Dan Wolff, idigholes, Adam Stern, Wendy Cloudberry, samsara, Patricia Abril-Gonzalez, Tyler Anderson, Zach Greenberger, Amanda Traphagan, Deborah Gawarecki, kristykay22, Joolie Bracken, Angelique Madere, Chad Garrett, and Stephen Gray (who has donated twice!) And to Book Woman for donating a gift certificate for a lucky door prize winner!